Time Stamps for “90 Percent of Success Is Your Mindset”

1:21— Make Or Break
4:38— The Conscious Mind
8:05— Five Different Gateways
10:09— Get Through The Filter
13:20— Severe Leading Beliefs
16:27— Social Influences
19:43— Identity



Hi! William Wood here and if you read this post all the way through the end, I’m going to teach you a couple of ideas that have absolutely helped me make more breakthroughs in terms of my own mindset and helping thousands of people all over the place get exactly what it is that they want. See, I believe that 90% of success in life has to do with your mindset, has to do with your attitudes, your beliefs, that ultimately lead to behaviors, the behaviors that will make or break what it is that you’re doing.


So, it doesn’t matter if you’re trying to succeed in business. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to succeed in your personal life. It doesn’t matter if you try to succeed in sports. It’s basically the same kind of psychology. It’s the same kind of mindset that will take you all the way, boom, to the top! So, what I want to share with your today is something that I first learned from one of my early hypnosis teachers. A gentleman named Roy Hunter. In fact, this is his book and Roy, if you ever happen to watch this, I want to let you know that I think that you’re one of the finest teachers of hypnosis on the planet today, and (02:00) and I really just – a deep respect of everything that you’ve added to my life, and now, Roy writes this amazing book called The Art of Hypnosis, and in it, he shares some of the teachings that have helped him reshape the subconscious mind.  


You see, I was having a conversation with a college coach, and we we’re talking about the difference between college level athletes, and he said to me, “Will, you know by the time an athlete gets to the college level, he is capable.” Very rarely does somebody just slip through the cracks. By the time they get to college, the scouts vetted him. There’ve been tryouts.


And then the pressure tests them inside of the team to see how well they do. He said, “Will, by the time a college athlete gets onto my team, he has been tested,” and he had a team of all males, “He has been tested to the utmost degree. This person is capable. He has talent. He is physically fit. He is a good athlete.”


And then, he went on to say that some of these athletes, some went on to succeed, some went on to soar to incredible heights, and others just kind of really languished behind, and  I asked him what’s the difference between the two groups, and he said, “Categorically, the biggest difference is in the mind.” In the athlete that’s succeeding, they believe that they can do it. They believe that the result is possible and they go for it. There’s just something different about them.


Well, a bunch of you watching the video like, “Ah! Crap! Well, you know, I’ve got a terrible attitude,” or “ I’ve got a terrible mindset,” or “I’ve got these deeply held beliefs that have been hold me back my entire life.” Well, there’s good news. You can change that. See, inside of the mind, I wasn’t sure I was going to draw this, but I’m going to draw this out and share this you (04:00).


Inside of the mind, we have a conscious mind and we have an unconscious mind. Now, some people like to call the subconscious mind – in fact I may even do that later at the video. When I’m talking about the subconscious or the unconscious, I’m talking about the same thing, but we have a conscious mind and we have an unconscious mind, and most people agree that the unconscious mind or the unconscious processes that are running in the background of the mind, make up more of the mind than the conscious mind.


But regardless, here’s what I want to share with you today. The conscious mind responds to one type of strategy essentially, logic, reason, and will power, and when you’re trying to influence the conscious mind, you really want to dig down deep into your logic. You want to dig down deep into your reasoning. You want to power through with will power, and the reality is, is that logic and reason have built the cornerstones of western civilization. It’s something that we definitely want to give props to and says this – you can produce amazing miraculous results with logic and reason alone.


However, deeply held beliefs tend not to respond real well to logic. In fact, most people have already tried the logic themselves out of a deeply held belief. So, let’s say that you had a belief, something like I can’t do it, right? Or another really common one is I’m not good enough. Ha-ha! That’s kind of funny. I’m not good enough. [laughter] Okay? But if you have these deeply held beliefs, these things absolutely will affect your confidence level. They affect your ability to be effective in interpersonal relationships.


They will oftentimes prevent (06:00) you from really going for that big dream that you’ve always had your eye on. Here’s the beauty, these beliefs can change but in order to change them, you’ve got to be able to change what’s in the unconscious mind or the subconscious mind. You’ve got to be able to dig down deep inside and change that, and the problem is, is that most people will try to tell you that logic or the reason or just to will your way through it, and the reality is, is that you probably can do that and some of you will.


Most of you won’t. Every time most of you do, it’s like there’s this giant barrier inside the mind. It’s like you’re trying to get the new self-image through, you’re trying to get the new idea about the self or this new concept of abundance in your mind, and it’s like there’s this giant wall blocking it. Well, here’s the reality, there is a wall blocking it. We call it the critical faculty. This is tpart of your mind that’s designed to keep you safe by protecting you from new and strange ideas. This filter is designed by nature to filter out anything that’s different than what’s already buried deep inside the subconscious mind.


Now, this is a real problem if your subconscious mind is limit you in some way, if there’s some belief or attitude or deeply seated feeling about something that you haven’t been to change. The reason you haven’t got to it is because in order to that, you’ve got to use a strategy that will communicate with the subconscious mind or with the unconscious mind, and the strategies that most people teach, the strategies that most people are using to influence the subconscious mind don’t or influence the mind are designed to work on the conscious (08:00) mind.


I am going to share with you over the next few minutes, I’m going to share with you five different gateways as outlined by Roy Hunter, and I recommend going out and buying the book. If you’re in Washington, you can take a course from him. He’s brilliant. I highly recommend his courses and his books, but I’m going to outline five methodologies that he outlines for influencing the subconscious mind.


After I present Roy’s work, I’m also going to deviate just a little bit and say I think that there’s another couple that aren’t mentioned in the book and that might just be a point of debate between he and I or but maybe how we define things, but the reality is, is that these five have been the cornerstone of a lot of the coaching work that I do with clients, and what I find and what my clients find is that they can very quickly overcome old programming when they know how to do it, when they actually have a technique that’s designed to work. So, I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to pull this up here right towards the end of the book and here you see on my copy of the book, I think he’s updated it, so on page 179, it’s five methods of subconscious programming and this is just stated really, really well. Number one, and I’m going to go from memory.


I might glance down the book here just a little bit, but number one is repetition. If you repeat an idea long enough, it can penetrate deep down into the subconscious mind. So, for those of you that are using like written affirmations or something like that, these do work. Now, the problem that Roy sees with them and I would agree with him on this is that if there is a tremendous amount of subconscious resistance to that idea, it might either take a ridiculously long period of time or you might actually not be able (10:00) to get that idea through the filter, because remember again, the goal and helping move your subconscious mind or your unconscious mind to the next level is to get through the filter.


It’s to get through that critical faculty that’s designed to reject anything that doesn’t feel familiar or doesn’t feel congruent with the self-image. So, if you just repeat an idea and that’s all you’re doing and you have a lot of resistance to it, you know what I’m talking about. These are the things that you’ve been probably trying to change for most of your life. Repetition alone is probably not enough. If you’re starting off relatively level, if you’re starting off relatively even around the idea, then repetition can be a really powerful way to program the subconscious mind or the unconscious mind. So, method one, sheer repetition day in, day out. I think it was Émile Coué who said, “In every day and every way, I’m getting better and better,” right?


And you see people who spend hours and hundreds of hours on affirmations, and again, they do work if there’s not a lot of subconscious resistance or a lot of emotional charge around the idea. If there is, I actually think that affirmations could be counterproductive or repetition could be counterproductive because what’ll happen is you’ll be like, “I can do it!” And inside there’s a voice that says, “No, you can’t!” Or it gets – and then you say louder, “Yes, I can!” And then it says louder, “No, you can’t!” Right? And so if you have that kind of battle going on in your mind, repetition alone is probably not the only idea that you want.


Now, the second one, the second idea for programming the subconscious mind is authority. Now, this can go for you or can go against you, right? So, an authority figure would be somebody who you really look up to. It might be somebody in your field. It might be when you’re a very small child. It might be a parent figure. It might be a teacher. It might be (12:00) a pastor or a minister or some other religious leader inside of your denomination, but somebody who you absolutely, 100% implicitly trust.


You say this person has my best interest at heart and I believe what they say because they are a revered authority figure. Now, this is where it can work for you and against you and this is how it can help you and hinder you, right? If that authority figure is someone who is worthy of trust and has ideas that are designed to move you forward, that can be a life-changing thing. I was talking to a client the other day about this.


My father has been powerfully impacted by authority figures inside of the church, right? And when these people come out and they say something positive about how he should live a kinder life or more compassionate life, these ideas like sink deep into his subconscious mind because of how he reveres these particular church leaders, and it’s been a really healthy thing, but what if the church leaders aren’t saying something that’s so good or what if the political figures in saying something so good and you really put a lot of stock into what he or she is saying?


This can also create very severe limiting beliefs, things that you need to reprogram, things that you need to change inside of your own life. So, what I’m saying is, is from a reprogramming standpoint, if you can find an authority figure, someone who you deeply believe in who’s saying the things that it is that you need to believe, by all means, buy their books, go to their seminars, listen to their talks, because this can be a powerful way to reprogram.


Now, for some of you, some of you have a strong rebel button and Roy talks about that in his book and the rebel button is when the authority figure said something, there’s just something inside of you that says, “Oh, yeah! Right! I’m not so sure that’s (14:00) true,” right? And then you go and it has that like an opposite effect. So, you do want to pay attention to your own natural response to the authority figures you’re trying to use for programming. So, we have repetition and we have authority. Now, number three is the one that I’m going to expand here, okay?


So, Roy calls it a desire for identity or identification or ego, and basically, this is the part of the self that deeply longs to belong. It longs to belong. It longs to identify with a group or with a culture or with a certain class of people, and essentially, this desire for identity can be a powerful reshaping of the subconscious mind. Now, a couple of ideas that fall within this, number one is masterminds. If you’re not in or part of the mastermind, this can be a super powerful way to start to reshape your subconscious mind.


You start getting around people that want to influence the unconscious, or rather you – that’s what you’re trying, you’re trying to influence your subconscious, you’re trying to influence your unconscious mind, you want to get around a group of people that are in or have moved in the direction that you want to go. So, if wealth is your goal, you would want to join the mastermind where people are getting wealthy. If what you want in life is to get an athletic result, you would join an athletic club, a group of people who are powerfully motivated to get a health group. If you want to change your weight status, you would join a Weight Watchers or something where people are really paying attention to that health.


No matter what you want, you can surround yourself with a group of peers. It’s been commonly observed that the three people or five people who are absolutely (16:00) closest to you over time will have a radical impact on your mindset. So, I would argue that not only, not only is it the people that you know individually, not only is the people you mastermind with but it’s the books you’re reading, it’s the movies you’re watching, it’s the television your consuming, all of the social influences will create within you a desire for a certain kind of identity, and that’s what Roy is talking about.


We see this with peer pressure in kids. I mean, I could go on and on about just this one alone. This is one of the most powerful programming and subconscious reshaping techniques that I know. If you want to change your life, find a group of people who have what you want and find a way to be around them as much as possible, and by doing that, it will shape your personality. Here’s the bad news, even if you don’t want it and you’re not carefully choosing your peer groups, they will shape you over time. They will affect your income. They will affect your social status. They will affect where it is you go in life, what it is that you do, and what you believe about the self.


So, find a healthy group of friends. Find people who can lift you up. Now, I’m going to deviate from Roy’s map and I’m going to add that I really think that this particular strategy for influencing the subconscious mind has a lot to do with what I call linking. You can change a subconscious belief. You can change a subconscious identity by linking it to one of three things. You can link it to – well, four things, a physical group of people of mastermind. Number two, you can link it to another highly held belief and I’m going to explain that here in a minute or a highly held value or you can link it an identity (18:00) or a mission.


So, what do I mean by all those of things. So, let’s say that I want to eat more healthily but I’m having a really hard time convincing myself that I need to each vegetables, a powerful way to reshape the subconscious mind is to ask myself, what is the belief that I already hold deeply? And maybe that – and I mean, really deeply. This is something that like produces emotional energy. Maybe it’s the idea that family is important and that would be something that’s pretty universal among those that actually like have a spouse and kids. It’s like family is really important and the kids are really important.


Well, if I can’t just motivate myself to eat cleanly, I can link that idea of eating healthily or eating cleanly to protecting my children which would be one of my own personal highest values. But maybe for you, you don’t have any kids. Maybe for you, it’s like the love of your dog, right? Or maybe it’s the love of your partner or maybe it’s a relationship with God or the Divine. It doesn’t really matter what it is, but you can take the one idea and you can find ways to link it to this other thing, and when you do that, holy tamales!


If I had time, I’d tell you stories. It’s one of the fastest ways I know to change a self-image, to change a belief is to start to link to a really highly important or deeply held value or belief. Same thing with an identity, if there’s a part of your self-identity that’s already working really well, right? Like you really deeply identify with yourself as a parent, how can you link, for example let’s say you’re trying to break through in your own business, how can you link your ability to provide or your ability to increase (20:00) your income to being a good parent?


And I hope you get the power of what I’m saying here, and if not, maybe I’ll do another video where I just give some more examples of this because this is absolutely hands down one of the most powerful ideas that I can tell you. Or let’s say that you have a deeply held belief about God or about the Divine if that resonates with you more, and so it’s like, this is one of my closely held values, it’s one of my dearest held values, well, what if you linked treating your body like a temple to your relationship with God?


How would that affect your eating? How would that affect your exercise, your movement? Whoa! For a lot of you, it’s like that one idea can like radically transform everything. A mission, my mission in life is to help people. My mission in life is to help unlock the door for other people to help them shine in a powerful way. Well, if there’s a part of my self-image that needs changing, I can simply link it back into that idea and it’s like the old darkness is suddenly consumed inside of a light.