Common Clients

Common Clients

What are your most common type of clients? Tobacco cessation (smoking and chewing tobacco), weight loss, improving sleep and performance enhancement (sales/sports) represent approximately 40% of my clients most weeks. However, I also see a number of other common...

What is Hypnosis? (Part 1: Watching Football)

How is hypnosis like watching football? Northern Utah Hypnosis practitioner, William Wood explains in this short video below: (turn up your speakers and click the “play” arrow or button) Any other questions? Please feel free to contact Will Wood, Northern...

Eye Patterns and Communicating Clearly

Eye patterns can give us clues about which internal representation system a person is accessing in the moment.  Practically, that allows a communicator to communicate in the clearest way possible.   Taking some time to study this eye chart and see what you can learn...