by Stanislav Krajcir | Oct 22, 2024 | Articles
You’ve probably tried these to quit smoking: Patches Gums Nicotine replacement therapy Sheer willpower …but nothing seems to stick. The cravings, the triggers, the stress — it’s exhausting, right? You’re not alone. Many smokers feel trapped, as if cigarettes... by William Wood | Jul 27, 2022 | Articles
Information and the Unconcious Mind According to Miller, Galanter and Pribram, we are confronted with about 2 million bits of information per second. However, according to their research, our five senses can only process about 134 bits per second divided in to...
by William Wood | Aug 20, 2019 | Articles
Can you imagine the view at 12,000 feet above ground level, high above the snow capped mountains? The cold wind is pressing into my face. The air feels purer. I am higher than the clouds. My heart is pumping pure adrenaline. “YEEEEHAAAAWWW,” I yell at the...
by William Wood | Aug 13, 2019 | Articles
Have you ever done something hard… on purpose? Last year, my daughter was in Germany. I decided that I wanted to learn German, as a way to honor her. Besides, I like to stretch my brain, and I don’t enjoy Sudoku. German was the sixth language I had...
by William Wood | May 4, 2018 | Articles
Stop Smoking Hypnosis Utah Do you want to know how stop smoking hypnosis works? Let me give you a quick overview… There are two parts of your mind: your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. Most people already know how to harness the power of the conscious...